Sunday, April 11, 2010

George. He had waited at Okawville so that we could ride together. I, however, was feeling like crap. I had nausea so bad, that even thinking about eating more of my liquid diet, let alone a Clif bar made we want to pull over and throw up. I knew from experience that all I could do was continue to ride and let it pass. But between that little nuisance and the wind, I was in no mood to set a blistering pace.

After about 20 miles of my pace, George indicated that he wanted to ride a little faster, without me, of course. He pedaled close to me and shouted to be heard above the wind. His parting words reminded me of the movie "The Last of the Mohicans"

"If we get separated, I'll meet you in Oakdale!"
"Do you have everything you need?"
"Good luck!!"

I'm neither a complete nubie nor a doddering old man, but he seemed to think I was one or the other. Oh well.

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